Welcome to Vista Funding LLC

(713) 823-5189

We are open 9 am - 10pm

Interest Rates Starting at 9.99%


Market rate properties of any class, cooperatives, affordable or subsidized housing.

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    Favorable Rates

    We Help You Qualify

    FHA/HUD SECTION 223(F) Loans

    Commercial Space

    Limited to 25% of net rentable area and 20% of effective gross income


    Single asset, special purpose entity, either for profit or non-profit

    Interest Rate

    Fixed for term of loan, determined by market conditions at time of rate lock. Rate lock deposit is 0.5% and refunded at closing.

    Loan Parameters

    For loan amounts up to $100+ Million

    Term and Amortization

    A maximum term of 35 years, fully amortized

    Third Party Reports

    Appraisal, Environmental and Capital Needs Assessment


    Typical application is submitted within 45-60 days of engagement, followed by 60-90 days to issuance of HUD’s commitment and 30-45 days to closing.

    Geographical Focus


    About The Services We Provide

    Fix-n-Flip Loans

    Interest Rates Starting at 9.99% FIX AND FLIP LOANS An ideal way to purchase, refinance,...

    Healthcare Bridge Loans

    Interest Rates Starting at 9.99% HEALTHCARE BRIDGE LOANS A specially designed loan for Healthcare properties....

    CMBS Lending Fixed Rate Loan

    Interest Rates Starting at 9.99% CMBS LENDING FIXED RATE LOAN Loans backed by mortgages on...

    Portfolio Loans

    Interest Rates Starting at 9.99% PORTFOLIO LOANS Take cash out, reinvest and meet your financial...

    Land Development Loans

    Interest Rates Starting at 9.99% LAND DEVELOPMENT LOANS Loans for entitled land, pre-development and for...

    FHA/HUD SECTION 223(F) Loans

    Interest Rates Starting at 9.99% FHA/HUD SECTION 223(F) LOANS Market rate properties of any class,...